Water Rates

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

As of February 1, 2023, Jersey County Rural Water Company, Incorporated Board of Directors voted to increase the water rates.  See the document titled Rate Schedule 2023 to view the water rates.  

To view the Board of Directors statement regarding the rate increase, click here.


Standard Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Meter Installation Fee

Effective April 1, 2023 a standard household water meter is $2,500.00.  This covers setting the meter five to ten feet inside the property line.  This does NOT include running water lines from the meter to the home.  Jersey County Rural Water Company, Incorporated does NOT run water lines from the meter to the home.  To sign up for a water meter you will provide a copy of the Warranty Deed to your property, show photo identification, pay a $2,500.00 meter install fee, a $100.00 deposit fee and sign a Water User's Agreement.  Average wait time for a meter installation is three weeks.

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